The polluted air we breathe - Experts on "Ekopolitikë"

This week at the show 'Ekopolitika' on ORA TV, discussed air quality.

Invited Co-Plan Expert, Mr. Rodion Gjoka and Milieukontakt Expert, Mr. Arion Sauku, who spoke about air quality and the main causes of pollution.


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The most polluted area in Tirana, live air quality measurement

Milieukontakt Ms. Valbona Mazreku and Mr. Arion Sauku in Live Albania Discuss - Air quality and the main causes of pollution. Live air quality measurements were made - the most polluted areas in Tirana Measured parameters (PM 2.5, PM 10, CO2, NO2).


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Study: The old fleet of 305 buses, among the major air polluters in the capital

According to data published in the Annual Report on Local Governance in the Western Balkans, the outdated Tirana bus fleet is among the leading causes of hazardous air pollution. In the section 'De-carbonization of the public transport sector in Tirana' carried out by experts Rodion Gjoka and Gerti Delli emerge disturbing data.

Analyzing the data available from the Municipality of Tirana, the report points out that ...

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Investigation / From "Elbasan Street" to "9-katëshet" Tirana most polluted areas

Experts from one year are measuring PM 2.5, PM 10, NO2 parameters. According to PM 2.5 measurements in the early hours the results show: at the intersection (Elbasani street with “Stavro Vinjau” street) 0.064 mg / m3, st. “Arben Broci” 0.029 mg / m3, st. "Emerald Liquid" 0,038 mg / m3, st. “Faik Konica” 0.038 mg / m3, st. “Sami Frashëri” (opposite the “Petronini” Gymnasium) 0.048 mg / m3, st. 'Sami Frasheri' (block area) 0.029 mg / m3, Dibra st (opposite 'Servete Maçi' school) 0.042 mg / m...

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Wake Up / Expert Gjoka: 200 hours of waste in Tirana traffic costs us 400,000 ALL

There is another pollutant that reduces people's quality of life besides smog, they are the hours lost in traffic. The Inrix Global Traffic Index has analyzed urban traffic congestion in 200 cities of 38 countries worldwide. Rome and Milan are among the cities in the world with the highest number of hours lost in traffic. Rome is in second place with 254 hours while it heads Bogota, the capital of Colombia with 272 hours. Dublin (Ireland) is the third country in the world to spend 246 hours in traffic, followed by Paris with 237 hours and London with 227 hours. While for other Italian c...

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